Principal Air - Flight Training / Charter in Canada

Principal Air - Flight Training / Charter in Canada, Learn to Fly

 (604) 850-0290

Unit D 30460 Liberator Ave. (Just past the Main Terminal)
Abbotsford International Airport
V2T 6H5
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6.14  A student pilot on a VFR flight has been given a radar vector by ATC. Ahead, at a lower altitude, is a solid overcast cloud condition. The pilot should

  1. climb above the cloud and fly "VFR over the top".
  2. alter heading as necessary to remain VFR and advise ATC.
  3. maintain heading and altitude as it is an ATC clearance.
  4. maintain heading and altitude because ATC knows of the cloud and will issue further instructions.
AIM - RAC 1. 5. 4 - Radar Navigation Assistance To VFR Flights
AIM - RAC 1. 7 - ATC Clearances, Instructions and Information
CARs 602.31

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6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20
6.21 6.22 6.23

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